Tuesday, August 27, 2013

ug. hanson...again.

Rowan found an old CD...clearly I own this???!
Nothing like a little mmmm-bop to drive you crazy. 
Someone seems to like it tho...EEK.

my favorite part is when she dives out of camera view :)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


This is a regular scene around our house...rigby - without pants or a care in the world - and digging in the yard.

This morning he found a dead bird, a baby worm, a bird egg with a feather stuck to it, and some strange rock.

I kept trying to get him to come in and out of the heat...but in his serious voice with palms turned up and pounding he would say..."no mom, not until I find something else to show you, k."

Hmmmm...must I start burying treasures in the mulch for this child to keep him satisfied? ... I know what you're thinking...he'll get bored and move on, right? Wrong?! He just raises the stakes and gets the hose involved. He did this for hours this morning....no joke....hours. His little face was so red and flush!

Well at least I have some leverage with this kid...SNACKS. Thank the Lord he loves to eat :)


Nothing like a little afternoon nap with my 3 precious babies...Rowan, Rigby and the little blueberry growing in my belly! (according to baby center, my baby is now this size).

Baby Gora #3 is officially due April 8, 2014. We're so excited, thankful, and well, a little tired...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

strawberry picking

michelle and i took the kids strawberry picking not too long ago.  
it was truly a blessed day.  
i remember just thanking God as i picked and 
watched the kids stuff their faces with berries...
i was so thankful to be HOME with them, finally.  
i've had to miss outings like these with my bestie the past 4 years while i worked.  
and i just remember this afternoon being one of the special moments 
that my heart cried out in thanksgiving to God.  

tractor ride!

michelle and oaks

my loves

snacking as we picked (of course!)

i love this pic.  you can almost hear him say
"cheeeeeeeese" (like the does for EVERY pic...lol)


My little Rigby and Michelle's Oakley are best buds.  They play really good together (as long as no one's grouchy) and always seem to have something up their sleeve that involves trucks or mud. They usually head straight for Michelle's sandbox and will push trucks around in the sand for as long as we'll let them.  My heart always smiles when I see them playing like that.  I just love that they love each other.

During one of the recent floods they took advantage of some driveway water that wasn't draining...so of course they did their best to fill a cone full of mud and play trucks.  

I think they're discussing their plans for the cone.

The answer could only be MUD!

And on to truck driving...
eventually the girls snuck in for a dip.

We even made it out to climb
in the skidster that afternoon

boys rule :)