For Halloween we decided to dress Rowan up as a Rooster -- so cute! I know it's not the typical princess or fairy tale sort of costume, but I liked that it was a little different and seemed fitting for our Rowan :) None of us were really up for Halloween this year anyway since the mean old flu was at our house. Usually Derek gets all dressed up and hands out candy, but this year he barely could get off the couch! Poor guy. He was so sick! ug.
Well anyway, Halloween came and went for us. We even shut our porch light out during the middle of trick or treaters and called it a night! Rowan did manage to get dressed up and made it to our 3 neighbor's houses for a visit though. She loved eating her Smarties and helping Papa answer the door and hand out candy. I think the latter was her favorite part :)
OMG, she is absolutely adorable!!!! I love the rooster costume. Did you buy it or did someone make it? Hope the flu leaves you guys soon!