Thursday, July 18, 2013

Daddy Daughter Dance

Rowan and Derek went to their first Daddy Daughter Dance this spring. 
It was quite the event.  Rowan talked about it for weeks before! 
I let her pick out a new dress, necklace, bracelet and hair bow...AND we did her hair and nails. 
She was so excited.  The whole thing was just adorable.
Derek said the dance itself was quite an experience.  There was a room full of little girls dancing to old school hip hop music like MC Hammer. Ha!  I can only imagine.  He said Rowan was glowing though...twirling and dancing the night away. Again, a-dor-able.
patiently waiting to leave!

a photo shoot with daddy. 

and Rig got in on the action.  yes, even in his tightie white-ies...
which he was wearing backwards by the way.
strutting her stuff with her purse and jean jacket as
she makes her way to the
at the dance!

and we met for ice cream after with some of her little friends
and their daddys.  so stinkin' cute!


Derek spend some time teaching Rig how to climb trees. 
He got pretty high up there too.
Derek even got a ladder to better "spot" him. 
Oh these boys...
learning how to get his footing

still within Daddy's reach

up high enough that Momma's worried

at his peak :)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

gone fishin

The kids have been wanting to fish a lot.  They're doing a lot better this year..."better" meaning they last a little longer than one cast! 
They actually sit for a bit and watch their bobbers. 
And luckily the fish in our pond are STARVING so they're very easy to catch.  Right now we have a plastic swimming pool in our back yard with two of the fish the kids caught last week.  They've been checking on them, making bubbles in the water so they can breath, and feeding them worms. 
Right now Rig's favorite part of fishing is definitely digging for worms.  He wants to dig for worms two or three times a's a little exhausting for this mama!  I'm trying to let them enjoy their new love for fishing...but stopping whatever I'm doing to run thru the back yard with a shovel every few hours is getting a little old.
A few months ago I remember Derek saying Rig could dig holes anywhere in the yard he wanted...he was so excited about Rig loving bugs and worms.  But that didn't last long.  A few large mud holes later and our digging is now confined to areas that don't include landscaping. 
I've wondered a few times what people must think when they drive by on 421 and see me on the burm in the back digging holes...
the kids like to drive over to the pond. 
it's cute...they even put their poles in the back!

my dad is a big part of their fishing...
they love when papa comes to fish :)

Rowan got this one a few minutes after casting out!
Rig loves reelin' em in

Daddy is showing Rig how to safely hold the fish
he just caught
he's dying to pick it up again!

uh got loose

...until next time

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

July 4th

We made it to the 4th of July parade in Laporte again this year. I was so happy that Derek could's never the same with out him (the last few years he had to work).  !
Our good friends Peggy and Tony reserve tables along the street every year at a restaurant so we have our own space to enjoy the parade.  Peggy is always so on top of things...she had a bag full of red, white and blue goodies for the kids.  She always knows how to make things extra special for them. 
Rowan made out like a bandit with a headband, necklace and bracelet ...
Rigby ended up with a flag and a Burger King crown. 
If you know the personality of our kids at all,
the items they picked will make perfect
We spent the afternoon at Peggy and Tony's swimming (always so much fun!)
and ended the evening at the Attaberry's for fireworks.
It was a blessed day!!
my crew
decked out in her bling from Peggy

i love watching their reactions to the parade...
so sweet
their best buddies Haley and Chase
front row seats!
rig was super excited about the firetrucks
but he wasn't as fond of all the horns and sirens
sparkler time!


We spent Easter at my sister-in-law Janel's house this year. 
Our day consisted of an easter egg hunt, some delicious food, some relaxing and vegging out on the sofa, and a few photo ops...(see below). 
I really need to write my blog posts a little closer to the dates that things happen
so I could have more to write!  Ug. 
I do remember though, that this was the day that we all found out that my sister-in-law, Jenny, was pregnant!  We had all been praying for her and her hubby, and it was such an answer to prayer to find out that they were expecting their first precious little baby.  We're SO excited for them!!!
The latest news on the baby front is that they are having a BOY! 
I think Jenny was sort of hoping for a girl...
mainly because all of the little girl clothes out there are so stinking cute...
Who can blame her, right? :) 
I'm sure her son will be a dapper little guy...
dressed to the hilt with pinstripes, bowties and fedoras!



Monday, July 8, 2013

flood = fun

the recent rainstorms have given us a few backyard floods. the kids have LOVED every minute of it. rigby was even swimming in the street a few weeks

this is cold!
my very own swimming pool!

looking for worms!
even Daddy got out there