Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Fair 2012

poor little rigby didn't like the rides this year...not at all!  i think we made the mistake of putting him on the motorcycle one first...and it goes up and down and jerks a little.  he looked a little unsure before it took off, and minutes in he was so so scared :( 
we tried another ride a little later, but he didn't even let that one get started. 
maybe next year.
he did ride one semi truck ride at the laporte fair a few weeks prior to this. 
i'm not sure why that one didn't scare him. 


camping in the living room

We attempted to camp in the living room recently.  The kids were begging us for a few days so we finally gave in.  We set up the dining room chairs and even laid the big chaise cushion on the floor (it's pretty big!)...the kids had their sleeping bags, baby dolls and even a flashlight. 
Everyone got tucked in and I told them I'd sit right next to them in the recliner until they fell asleep.  Rigby was a little unsure after a few minutes so I pulled the top of the tent back so they weren't completely covered...but the little guy kept saying "my bed mommy".  I guess he just likes to sleep in his own bed.  And who can blame him, right?
So then it was Mommy's turn to sleep in the tent with Row.  After I snuggled in I noticed Rowan kept moving and flopping all around...which not typically her style when she's going to sleep.  I asked her if she wanted to still sleep in tent, and she hesitated, but did say yes.  But I knew she was scared too...even with Mommy right next to her!  So I asked her if she would rather sleep in her own bed like Rigby, and assured her it was okay...and she finally admitted she wanted to go in her room. 
Needless to say, we haven't went "camping" since.  
this is after rig got scared...the top is folded back

situating the baby dolls

rigby is throwing in the towel...
my bed mommy!

and finally it was my turn...

more summer pics

Rig riding bikes at Grandma Gora's

picking flowers at the butterfly park

and smelling them too

enjoying their suckers and puppies from
the mcafee animal hospital open house

baking peanut blossoms

dress up at gretchen & charlottes!
the tan blonde is rig :)
sorry bud...mommy couldn't resist.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


we got brave and actually went to brookfield zoo by ourselves!  i'm usually not one for taking the kids into chicago by myself, but i decided to grow up and give it a whirl.  it turned out to be an absolute blessing of a day too!  the drive only took an hour and ten minutes...which was surprising.  and we even got a parking spot in the very front right next to the entrance.  awesome!  especially being along with two just made everything that much easier :)  here are some highlights from our day:

Saturday, September 1, 2012

little designer

i think rowan has been watching me a little too closely.  she seems to think she has to perfectly arrange and re-arrange everything.  she displays her my little ponies differently on the shelves in her room, sometimes adding framed pictures of herself, with little purses or bracelets as accents.  awhile back while i was cleaning the house she decided to relocate and arrange all of our photos...including a vase holder and a wind spinner...ha!  this week she went over to aunt janel's and even took a framed picture of herself to add to aunt janel's bookcase arrangement.  iy-yi-yii.  should i be scared?  maybe.  but at least we still have rigby.  he just likes to point out his favorites in each photo his sister places.