Friday, September 24, 2010

Rowan Mae Gora is 2!

Rowan turned the big 2 on Sept. 14 and we had her birthday party last Saturday.  We went "simple" this year and invited over family and a few friends for cake and few cheap-o appetizers.  I think we had pasta salad, crackers and dip, and ants on a log...pretty classy :)  Oh and Papa Gora brought over yummy tomato bread that he made!

It was a fun little party.  Rowan and her cousins were running around like crazy and just having fun playing. Rowan is still too little to really understand what a birthday party is, but she does know that she's 2 now and will say it if we ask her how old she is.  I tried to get her to tell everyone thank you after opening her gifts, but she only said it to mommy.  Whenever we tell her to say thank you now she says "thank you, you're welcome".  She's almost there...I guess :)

Here are some of the wonderful gifts she got:
Dora slippers and a little table and chairs from Mommy & Daddy
red tricycle from Papa Allen
clothes, a crown and fancy shoes from Mimi & Papa Overman
Cute little doll and dog with snap on clothes from Mimi & Papa Gora
Zu-Zu pet (battery powered toy hamster) and fancy table settings from Aunt Linda and Cousin Sydnee
giant sidewalk chalk and a ring sucker from Aunt Janel, Uncle Matt and Cousins Rece, Case, Lorelei & Cort
a cute pink Chicago Bears Jersey and mini Miche purse from Aunt Angie and Uncle Mark
mini tea set from Michelle, Luke and buddies Carson, Amaleah, Alivia, Ainsley and baby Oakley
fabulous quilt and $2 for the piggy bank from Aunt Becky (mommy's friend)
Zu-Zu pet hair salon & Leapfrog computer from Katie, Kyle and little buddy Haley
crayons and poster paper from Erin

Here are some of the party pics.  And yes, I realize they're a little blurry.  Rowan somehow messed up my camera!

Rowan getting "ready" for the party...she has on heels, a bracelet, her new purse, and a belt tied around her stylish :)

Cutie cake from Wiseway

Rowan helping Mommy make the dip

Rigby at the party...wearing Rowan's party hat, laughting at his cousins and playing with Mommy

Rowan playing at the party in her party duds from Mimi

Rowan and Cousin Sydnee had a sleepover that exhausted from being up late playing

Rowan's late night dinner with Mini Mouse and Bear...her 1st time playing with her table and the new settings